American Redstart, Bankston County Park, Iowa
We are in the month of May for my ‘Retrospects 2020’ here in the blog, the place where I pull up some memorable moments that enlightened the year photographically. As every year all the neotropical birds arrive from their journey by the end of April or during the first days in May. There is no lack of interesting colorful species.
This year I spent more time in Bankston County Park, a small river valley with a rocky bottom and a pond, and only twenty minutes away from home. Two of my five ‘first sightings’ of birds in 2020 happened in this little nature paradise and I have already plans for more exploration in this area for next year.
Probably the most common warbler we can find there is the American Redstart. The best chances to make a good click is at their time of courtship. During the rest of the summer they stay higher up in the trees and it is more difficult to aim the glass at them.