Apple Canyon Lake Falls, Illinois
Yesterday’s shooting below the dam of Apple Canyon Lake over in Illinois was one of the most enjoyable recently. Yesterday was also Ansel Adams 119th birthday, and with that in mind I thought to feed my desire to aim maybe for some new black & white images. Well, there is some potential in some of the over 100 pictures I shot yesterday but I usually like to sleep over them a few times.
To be honest, I’m happy how the color versions of some of the photos turned out. As mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, I never took the Nikkor 70-200, f/4 off the camera and the two pictures I show today were made at the long end of the lens. I wonder how this waterfall looks at the rest of the year, but the frosty appearance was definitely worth to make the trip over to Apple Canyon Lake in Illinois. Thank you again Kevin for the tip!