Hummingbird Moth

We have lots of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds here at the moment but seeing a Hummingbird Moth is still a rare treat. It is almost the same size as the birds and they hover from flower to flower not much slower than a hummingbird. The phlox has spread in our yard and the Hummingbird Moth is obviously attracted to its nectar.

Not the first time I have chased this moth and trying to get a new perspective was my goal, while running around the flower bed with the Sigma 150, f/2.8 macro lens on camera this time…


It is not difficult to find out why the Hummingbird Moth got its name. It’s easy to to mistake this moth with its fast beating wings for a small hummingbird. The first photo also reveals why its other name, Clearwing Moth, has been used for this insect. They are a member of the sphinx moth family (Sphingidae). Most sphinx moths fly at night but the Hummingbird Moth is active during the day.

When I made the click for this photo a couple days ago I was actually setting up the camera for shooting real humming birds (see my post from yesterday for the outcome). While the Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a permanent resident here between early May and the end of September, the Hummingbird Moth is a rare visitor in the flower beds around here.