Red-headed Woodpecker, Little Maquoketa Valley, Iowa

As mentioned yesterday we had a lot of bird activities going on this weekend and I shared already a few moments with you in my last blog posts. But the photo that put the biggest smile in my face is the one above. It has been four years ago that we saw the Red-headed Woodpecker here up on the bluffs above the valley. They can be found in other parts of the driftless area and in the Upper Mississippi Valley and I have seen them occasionally but here in our woods they only show up for a short time in May, and not even every year. My guess has been that all the other woodpecker species are too much competition and the Red-headed Woodpecker seems to prefer dead trees that are closer to a body of water, although the Little Maquoketa River is just down in the valley. Who knows, we just don’t see them nesting right here. Male and female look very similar and seeing only one bird doesn’t help to determine what gender is in front of the lens.

With the appearance of the red-headed we have seen finally all seven species of woodpeckers that spend some time here during the year since January.


The red Bee Balms have passed their prime but these flowers still supply nectar for our Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and many butterflies.

The young hummingbirds are only a few weeks old but they are as competitive about the best food spots as the adult males. The body language says it all, someone is approaching. A second later he was buzzing around again.


Competitive moves

Most nature photos can easily live without any additional words. This one definitely could. I still like to call it ”Competitive Moves”. The month of May is usually the time with lots of new wildlife photos for me. Many birds arrive in the Upper Mississippi Valley for breeding and feeding their offspring during the summer. The Great Egrets find plenty of food in the wetlands and watching their mating approach and competitive behavior is always a great pleasure. These egrets were part of a large congregation and getting close to them with my “mobile blind” was a real treat. Oh yes, another memorable moment this year.