Indigo Bunting, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

Yesterday in the wetlands I tried to capture some beautiful yellow American Golfinches, eating seeds from the plants that line the dykes between the lakes. It wasn’t a very successful effort. The goldfinches didn’t like my presence and moved on to another spot any time I stopped the car. But to my surprise another finch species posed nicely for a while in front of the camera. This was the first time I ever saw an Indigo Bunting in the grass and between the flowers on the dyke. This little guy was singing its heart out and I heard a second one nearby.Their feathers are actually black but the diffraction of light through their feathers make them look blue. One reason we can see them in many shades between turquoise and black.

Nikon Z6II, Nikon FTZ adapter, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, Sigma APO Teleconverter 1.4x EX DG


American Goldfinch

I was out on the porch today with the camera for several hours and tried to capture hummingbirds in flight. My attention was suddenly pulled in a different direction when I saw this American Goldfinch feeding in our bed of wild flowers. The purple coneflowers have passed their prime but we let them stand a little longer because some birds, and in particular the goldfinches, like to feed on their seed heads. American Goldfinches breed later than most other birds. They wait until many plants have produced their seeds and there is food in abundance for their offspring. Unlike most other birds goldfinches are strict vegetarians and hardly ever swallow an insect.

It is a photo I wanted to make in our front yard since a long time. This time it came all together, light, gesture, color, and a smooth background.

Nikon Z6II, Nikon FTZ adapter, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, Induro GIT 404XL tripod, Induro GHB2 gimbal head, Nikon SB 800 speed light, Impact Quikbox Micro Softbox,    @ 600 mm, 1/640 s, f/8, ISO 500, image slightly cropped


American Goldfinch

When Purple Coneflowers are in their prime they are a good food source for many butterflies and other insects. Later, after they are withered, they become a food source for some birds. The American Goldfinch is primarily a seed eater. There is a reason why they raise their offspring later than most of the birds we have here during the summer. Seeds are available in abundance and beside thistles the faded coneflowers are in high demand. This photo is from last weekend and while looking for hummingbirds I saw this male goldfinch feeding on coneflower seeds. He did not stop until each flower he visited was almost bare. Most of the time the head was down and it was difficult to get a clean shot. But the bird was aware about my presence and had a look at me ones in a while. These were the moments to release the shutter button of the camera…

Nikon D750, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, Induro GIT 404XL tripod, Induro GHB2 gimbal head, Nikon SB 800 speed light, MAGMOD MagBeam flash extender


American Goldfinch, near Durango, Iowa

Goldfinches breed later than most birds in North America, mostly not before mid-summer. They are vegetarians with almost no exceptions and they rely on plants that provide seeds, like thistle, milkweed, and others. The American Goldfinches are the only finch that molts twice a year. The males get their pretty yellow feathers in late winter and it makes it very easy to identify them even over a long distance. We have them around here in eastern Iowa all year long, but it might not be the same birds that we see during the winter because they migrate.

A good way to attract them to the backyard is by providing a bird bath that is always filled and of course heated during winter time. We don’t see them actually bathing very often but they sure like to drink. Setting up a little perch helps to make a picture without the bird bath in the frame. The gesture of the finch, just ready to jump down to the water source, made me choose this photo for today’s blogpost. Nothing spectacular, but still pretty…


This little finch is actually more of a winter guest here but we don’t see it very often in our woods, maybe due to the lack of conifers. However, this female hangs around with the American Goldfinches since about two weeks, who are currently present in large numbers. I don’t have very many photos of a Pine Siskin and most of them were made with the bird at a feeder or at a bird bath. I’m happy to have finally some shots without any men-made items in the frame.


American Goldfinch --------------

The days are getting longer and if the sun is out, it hits my northeast facing office window for a short time in the morning. The birds that land at the bird feeder next to the window are backlit but the snow on the ground, and maybe even the window, reflect some light and throw it back at the birds. I can’t use a fill flash because that would not go well with the glass of the window between me and the bird. The Nikon D750 with the Sigma 150, f/2.8 lens attached sits right on my desk and I can grab it quickly and shoot from less than two feet away. Nothing really special, but a fun way to start in the morning…


American Goldfinch, Nikon D750, Sigma 150mm / f2.8 APO EX DG HSM

Several bird species change their feathers twice a year during the molt. The most apparent one here in spring is the American Goldfinch. The males give up their olive-gray to olive-brown winter feathers and change to a bright yellow body. The shot was made right through my office window and as you can see the goldfinches are not completely done yet with their spring molt.