The good news first, the water level in the river fell slightly today.
While I was out of town last week the water level in the Mississippi River kept rising and was at its peak yesterday. The gauge is located at the Lock & Dam #11 in Dubuque, Iowa and some of the numbers from there are quite impressive. The flow from yesterday was 263730 cubic foot per second, which is equal to 7.4 million liters of water that pass through per second! The gauge was at ~23 ft (7 m), which is about 13 ft (~4 m) above historic normal stage. The river reached its flood stage of 16 ft in Dubuque on April 20.
Riverwalk, Dubuque, IA, Not much space underneath the old Railroad Bridge was left.
They had a lot of snow up north in Minnesota this winter and floods are a normal occurrence during spring time. All flood gates in Dubuque were closed but several areas north and south of town (i.e. Mud Lake Park or Finley’s Landing) are under water.
How can the story about all this be told with our photos? I decided to include at least some green in the picture. It’s easy to document the flooding and the high water level, but I thought it was also important that the colors in the trees say ”spring”, even if they are on the other side of the river.
Mud Lake Park, 4/24/2023, Campground, parking lot, boat ramp, and playground were already flooded a week ago.