In the Badlands, South Dakota, the Black-billed Magpie can be found at the eastern border of its residence. With other words, we don’t see this bird here in Iowa. I have photographed the Black-billed Magpie out west before, but the best spot has been always in the Sage Creek Valley of Badlands National Park. They are a little skittish but may give you the chance to frame a shot if you keep calm and don’t move too fast around. I shot plenty of photos of the magpie on the ground, its natural feeding space, and a couple pictures of the bird sitting in a tree. However, my favorite shot from the trip back in early May is the one above, made right in the campground at one of the posts that mark each campsite.
Black-billed Magpie, Sage Creek Valley, Badlands NP, South Dakota
The critical observer may ask, why do they make such big posts for just putting the numbers of a campsite on it? That’s because of the bison. The bulls like to visit the area and as soon they find something vertical, they start rubbing their skin and massive body on it. These poles are buried deep in the ground and still may become loose over time… The magpies love them as a perch. By the way, it’s cousin, the Yellow-billed Magpie is only found in California’s Central Valley and the adjacent foothills. A bird I haven’t seen yet, but hopefully will do sometimes in the future…