Going out into nature for a photo shoot or bird watching by car is one of the activities that can be done without putting anybody at risk. All images created today were shot from the safety of my car. This seems to be an easy task because a foam roll on top of the rolled down side window provides usually good lens and camera support. Today a typical seasonal problem made getting a sharp picture quite difficult. I’m talking about heat shimmer. When the cold air above the ground mixes with air already warmed up by the sun the effect is the same as viewing through exhaust gases from a jet engine. It is maybe not as strong but looking at a bird or critter through a long lens compresses this effect. With other words, I came back today with a lot more unsharp pictures than usually.

The birds get ready to mate and this Song Sparrow was singing his heart out. They look at their best at this time of the year. So, why taking a picture in the cluttered environment of a ranking plant? This is the habitat where this sparrow will spend the summer and where it will raise up to three broods per season. The Song Sparrow can be found in most parts of North America. We see them mostly at the edge of water bodies, like the Mississippi River, with open grassy feeding areas.


Hairy Woodpecker

Every morning several woodpeckers still try to get a snack from our feeders near the house. With four different species you never know who will be the first one. It was the warm light this morning that caught my attention while getting ready for the day. The Hairy Woodpeckers are usually the most skittish ones and I’m always happy if I get a sharp image of one of them.

This was all not very difficult today, the woodpecker moved around while I opened the window carefully, but didn’t fly away and gave me some time to make a few clicks in the first sunlight that hit our woods. However, a mistake was made that needed some correction in post process at the computer. I simply forgot to reset the white balance in the D750 from my last shooting. I had it still at 7400 Kelvin, a setting I use quite often during sunsets when there is some red or orange in the sky. The light was definitely warm but by far not that warm. I hardly ever correct white balance or colors in my wildlife photography but what I saw on the screen was not what I saw this morning. After correcting to “cloudy WB” (6500 K) in Adobe Lightroom, the photo reflects much better how the light had unfold early on this Friday.

Mistakes are good for one thing, they can teach us a lesson for the next time we try to make a new photo. A little nuance in light temperature can make a difference how we tell the story about our wildlife encounters. Sure, we can always “fiddle” at the computer but I still believe in the craft of photography, means get it right in camera.


Greater White-fronted Geese

Not a full moon but pretty close. I made this picture yesterday at 600 mm focal length. Most of the Greater White-fronted Geese managed to fly around but finally I found a few that would pass in front of the moon. The trick is to predict the path the geese would take and track them by panning with the lens. If you pre-focus on the moon and just wait until a bird flies by, the geese would be most likely just blurry. The warm light on the birds creates a nice color contrast to the cool background and leaves no doubt about when this shot was taken.


Sandhill Cranes, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

If you read my blog long enough you knew that I would go back to the Green Island Wetlands along the Mississippi River if great weather would unfold today again. That’s what exactly happened. The ice on the river has melted very quickly this week and only very shallow parts of the backwaters show still some ice cover. I was pretty sure that the geese and ducks would prefer to spend more time here, because the tundra up north in the arctic regions is probably still white and the warm sun at the moment feels good for the birds and of course for us as well. 

So, here is a little report about the species I have seen during the last couple evenings in the Green Island Wetlands:

  • Mallards (many, very many…)

  • American Wigeon (6+),

  • Northern Pintail (4+),

  • Bufflehead (4),

  • Northern Shoveler (just one, but more will come soon),

  • Sandhill Crane (6+),

  • Great Blue Heron (2)

  • Snow Goose, ( ~10)

  • Greater White-fronted Goose (thousands),

  • Killdeer, (after hearing and seeing the first ones last weekend, many have arrived today)

  • Red-winged Blackbirds (now appearing in large numbers as every year)

  • plus the locals, like Trumpeter Swans, Ring-billed Gulls, Bald Eagles, etc….)

I saw a few Sandhill Cranes foraging in the wet fields and marsh land already yesterday. The direction of light and even more annoying the presence of heat shimmer prevented a good click. Heat shimmer is pretty common at this time of the season. The warm air above the cold ground has an distorting effect and makes a sharp image nearly impossible, in particular if viewed through a long lens. It was a pretty crisp day and when these two Sandhill Cranes flew by while loud calling, heat shimmer didn’t play any role because they flew high enough above the ground. We don’t see them by the hundreds or thousands, like further west, but quiet a few breed in the Mississippi Valley and no other bird announces spring better with their call like the Sandhill Cranes. More to come, please stay tuned…


I was afraid I would miss the migration of the Greater White-fronted Geese while I was out of town this week. Luckily they were present in the wetlands this evening and during the last hour before sunset thousands flew through the Mississippi Valley and finally away from the river. Unfortunately they didn’t land in the fields that border the Green Island Wetlands like last year, when the fields were mostly flooded.

I chose a position on the west side of the bird sanctuary, with the sun in my back, but wasn’t close enough for the majority of the geese. The waxing moon had good visibility and my hope was to make some pictures with geese flying in front of it. Well the photo above was the closest I got for this goal. With the moon as an anchor point and a thin wave of Greater White-fronted Geese flying away from it, negative space fills most of the frame. Not a bad thing in my books…

Greater White-fronted Geese, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands

Still a long way to go. Their breeding ground is in Alaska and far-northern Canada.


Trumpeter Swan, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

You were supposed to see this photo earlier this week but business travel during the last three days left no time for even thinking much about photography fun. The picture is from last Sunday where I found the same pair of Trumpeter Swans at the same spot as the day before (Click HERE for the earlier post). About 50 more swans were way in the back, almost at the other side of the lake, but too far away for a closer look.

It happens quite often, we watch an animal for quite some time, we get some static shots, but not much happens. It is patience and knowing about the animal’s behavior, knowing a little bit about their biology, that can make the difference and let us make the photo at the decisive moment. For the Trumpeter Swans we are talking about the 2-3 seconds when they may flap their wings in order to dry them. For this kind of shot the last couple hours before sunset work well at this time of the year. You really never know when that will happen, but after they get out of the water, it is important to have your eye on the bird and the lens pre-focused. I missed this kind of gesture on Saturday, but Sunday I had my second chance and fired through the two seconds of action. The Nikon D750 is not really the ideal camera for fast action. With 6.5 frames per second and a relative small buffer the limit is quickly reached. It was enough for this time of action and the story about winter fading away in the wetlands can be told.


Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

We had another gorgeous day here in eastern Iowa, with sun and temperatures way above the freezing point. Good reason to go out again and try to make some clicks. We decided to visit the Green Island Wetlands again this afternoon, after it was a good place to be already yesterday. Shortly after we entered the wetland area Joan spotted this Red-tailed Hawk. It is the most common hawk here but it is not always easy to get close. The bird took off before we even had a chance to get close. Luckily the raptor returned quickly and landed in a dead tree not far from the gravel road. We approached slowly and stopped within a good shooting range, trying not to scare the bird. The hawk was probably on a hunt for mice that were attracted by the warm sun as much as we were. The melting ice below threw some extra light from underneath. More light allows for a fast shutter speed and it wasn’t difficult to make the photo by handholding the heavy SIGMA 150-600. 

Nikon D750, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, @ 600 mm, 1/1600 s, f/6.3, ISO200


Trumpeter Swans, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

The biggest difference between my last visit in the Green Island Wetlands a week ago and today was the number of Canada Geese. Many more have arrived and spread wherever there was already open water. Most of the lakes and canals have still an ice cover but with warmer temperatures ahead of us this will change quickly. The bird migration has started and during the hour before sunset I saw hundreds, if not thousands, of geese flying upstream in the Mississippi Valley. The best sign that spring is probably just around the corner was the presence of seven Red-winged Blackbirds… YEEAAH!!!

Beside Canada Geese I watched and worked this pair of Trumpeter Swans with the camera. The light was lovely and while using the car again as my “mobile blind”, the swans acted like I wasn’t even there. It all came together in this photo. Both birds were very close together for a brief moment and their heads formed the shape of a heart. Couldn’t ask for more…

Nikon D750, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, @ 600 mm, 1/640 s, f/8, ISO100


Great Black-backed Gull, Mississippi River, lock & dam #14, LeClaire, Iowa

On my way back from a business trip I stopped briefly at lock & dam #14 after crossing the Mississippi River. The pool below #14 near LeClaire, Iowa has been often a good place for watching and photographing Bald Eagles. Unfortunately the relativ mild winters during the last couple years led to a drastic decline in the numbers of eagles that spend the cold season at this location. In addition some trees, used as a perch by the eagles, have died and had to be removed. They have been replaced by some man-made wooden structures but I have not seen any eagle using them.

I saw a couple Bald Eagles, circling high up in the sky, but none of them was within the range for a photo. As always, some Ring-billed Gulls were catching fish and among them I saw two Great Black-backed Gulls. They breed in northeastern North America at the Atlantic coast but may wander inland during the winter. To make it clear, I’m never one hundred percent sure about identification of gulls but I think this one is a Great Black-backed Gull in its first winter. However, there are similarities to a young Herring Gull and if someone can give me a second opinion I will appreciate it.

So how about the photography? I only had a few minutes to make a picture and since I haven’t aimed the lens at birds in flight for a while, I was a little “rusty” and missed a number of shots.


Whimbrel, Bolsa Chica Ecological Preserve

Tomorrow I give another photo presentation about STORYTELLING IN WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY. The Dubuque Audubon Society has invited me to be the presenter at their monthly meeting. The event is free and open to the public.

Here are some questions I like to answer:

  • How to start with wildlife photography, even with a small camera and lens?

  • Where are good locations that are easy to access in and around the Mississippi Valley ?

  • How can we become better storytellers with our photos?

  • How about safety and ethics?

  • What other locations outside of Iowa would you recommend?

I have a number of new photos that made it into the presentation. If you live in or around Dubuque and the Tri-State area, please join me tomorrow night

Thursday, February 13, 2020, 6PM @ the EB Lyons Interpretive Center at the Mines of Spain, 8991 Bellevue Heights Rd, Dubuque, IA.

I hope to see you there!


Common Raven, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona

How about the wildlife in the desert? Well, it’s winter and some species, like snakes and lizards are in hibernation. I saw a group of Mule Deer, but no signs of pronghorns or coyotes. Most birds are still further south, with other words, I wasn’t expecting much and didn’t pack the SIGMA 150-600 for this trip. The second day the sound of Horned Larks filled the cold morning air. They sat on rocks and enjoyed the warm sun probably as much as I did. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get close enough with just 200 mm focal length at hand.

My best photo opportunity came with several Common Ravens, a bird we don’t see in Iowa. This raven seems to greet me like an old friend, but he was actually just working on its feathers with his toes.

I tried to balance the exposure in this high contrast scene to get a little detail in some of its black feathers. Most pictures show the raven just sitting and watching but it is the great gesture with the foot in the air that makes this one my favorite.

Nikon D750, Nikkor 70-200mm / f4, @200 mm, 1/500s, f/5, ISO200, +0.33EV


Bald Eagle, Mississippi River, Sabula, Iowa

This is pretty much straight out of camera, just the usual treatment of the RAW file including the sharpening process. The SIGMA lens was zoomed all the way out to 600 mm and by setting the camera to DX mode (using only a part of the sensor in camera) the angle of view for the lens is equivalent to a 900 mm focal length. There was no way to get closer to the Bald Eagle. I shot this from the “mobile blind”, my trusted Subaru, in Sabula, the only town in Iowa that is located on an island in the Mississippi.

It was about time to check out again my favorite wildlife watching areas, the Green Island Wetlands and the area around Sabula. I had to go that far south to have finally an animal in front of the lens. The only thing to mention from Green Island was the presence of a Sharp-shinned Hawk, who suddenly came out of the trees and crossed the road in front of the car. No Trumpeter Swans or any four-legged critter.

The sun had just started to come out from behind a thick layer of clouds, was still a little muted, and gave the scene a nice and soft touch. Sure, I would have liked to be a tad closer and a Bald Eagle on the ice without a great gesture is not the most exciting story. But there was open water and that means business for the eagle. Waiting for the moment to hunt for a fish is the biggest part of an eagle’s day and part of the story.


We haven’t seen many other bird species beside our “regulars” during this winter so far. This is mainly due to the mild weather we had in December and partly even in January. There is obviously still enough food available further north , means no reason to come here for Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, or Red-breasted Nuthatch. After the last snow storm this weekend I finally spotted a couple sparrows that are not on the list of our regular visitors. A beautiful White-throated Sparrow was here briefly last Sunday but I wasn’t able to make a photo. At the same time a Fox Sparrow showed up and hasn’t left us since. This large and chubby looking sparrow is bigger than its relatives the House Sparrow or the Dark-eyed Junco that we see at the moment. This sparrow feeds on the ground and even if this photo doesn’t have the best perspective, it gives you an idea how they try to find seeds between dried up garden flowers or around bird feeders.


As I’m writing this a big snow storms still goes over the country and of course doesn’t spare our neck of the woods. I tried to make some storytelling photos as the storm developed during the late afternoon. All the birds that spent the winter here try to get some calories from our bird feeders and woodpeckers, cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees, dark-eyed juncos, and tufted titmice are always good candidates for a photo. 

Since about a couple years we have a gang of House Sparrows using the mountain pines around the house for protection and also benefit from food and water we provide in our heated bird baths. Today’s best storytelling photo in my books was this shot of a female House Sparrow, braving the storm. Oh yeah, the books and smart websites say, don’t use a flash if you have any kind of precipitation. I don’t disagree and there might be some  misses, but if the trails of snowflakes support a sharp image, without being “nuked” by the flash, well, the story of a tiny bird in a winter storm can be told….


I finally was able to spend some time behind the camera this morning. With some snow on the ground bird photography is a lot of fun. The birds come more frequently to our feeders and using the extra light reflected by the snow is a great benefit. The sun wasn’t out and throwing a hint of flash at the bird brings out the colors and beats the overcast.

I’m still not sure about this Northern Flicker. I think it is a young male who’s malar stripe or “mustache” is not fully developed yet. Currently we see four flickers that visit us every day.

They usually feed on the ground, digging for insects, especially ants. This is not an option at the moment and during the winter their diet consists of seeds and berries. I’m sure our suet feeders help them to survive the winter and we are very happy to see this beautiful bird.