Male Scarlet Tanager, back from the tropical forest
As you maybe saw in my blog post from yesterday, the light before sunset was just gorgeous. Well, today it was a different story. Rain clouds moved in and made the shutter speeds dropping tremendously. The speed light was employed again but had a different purpose. While yesterday it was more used as a fill flash while shooting against the sun, today I used it mainly to get some colors back from the birds feathers. I exposed for the ambient light and sent just a ”kiss” of light with the flash to pronounce the bird’s colors.
Today the first male Scarlet Tanager showed up in our woods. They spent the winter in the tropical forests of northwestern South America and have a long journey behind them when they arrive here in the Midwest. Years ago, when I saw my first Scarlet Tanager I was amazed about the beauty of this bird and I’m still impressed when I see one.
Male Baltimore Oriole
This Baltimore Oriole has already arrived three days ago, but it wasn’t before today I heard its flutelike song. They are not migrating as far south as the tanagers. The Baltimore Oriole spends the winters in Florida, the Caribbean, Central America, or the northern tip of South America (source: