On the water again

After the tour  

A nice holiday weekend lies behind us. The weather was mild, but not hot, and we took the kayaks to the Green Island Wetland Preserve for some paddling and exploring new routes in this backwater area of the Mississippi. The water level in the river was still way above normal, which is not necessarily bad for paddling in the backwaters.

American White Pelican


Many birds take care for their offspring and you may not see them much out in the open water. It is always a challenge to take the camera with the long lens into the boat but if everything comes together the results can be very rewarding. Shooting on eye level with a bird that swims or just sits along the shore leads to a more interesting perspective than shooting from an elevated road along the shore.

This pelican didn’t seem to be bothered by my presence as I approached it carefully and with very slow paddle strokes. I really wanted this photo because of the nice background with the blooming bushes and the story it tells about the fact that every island and peninsula is flooded.


Flooding at the Mighty Mississippi

Flooded campsite  

I will not talk much about photography today. This post is a little more on the editorial side. The heavy rainfall during the last couple weeks made the Mighty Mississippi even mightier than usual and many places along the river are flooded.

Yesterday evening I arrived at the little campsite at Finley's Landing right after another rain shower and the first photo gives you an idea what I was talking about above. I guess some people that had planned to camp there during the upcoming holiday weekend may have to change their plans…

Mud Lake Marina


Later, a little further north at Mud Lake Park, I saw the same scenario while another shower just poured down on us. Parts of the park and campsite were under water and the boat ramps disappeared completely in the river.

Last sun


However, fast moving clouds and the occasional sun ray made for some good light in the evening. This is where the Mud Lake Marina and the actual Mud Lake, which is a backwater area in the river, connect to each other. The water flows down to a slightly lower level but the current is usually very moderate and it is no problem to paddle even upstream with the kayak. Not so yesterday. The passage between the main land and the island on the other side was at least twice as wide The little turbulence in the water marks a spot where a sign post is located that usually sticks 3 - 4 feet out of the water…