American Robin -------
The days are getting shorter quickly and there isn’t much daylight left after I’m done with my work. On the positive side are the more frequent visits of many birds in our yard. Today we had four different woodpecker species around here and I saw a Brown Creeper going up the trunk of a tree. A first this season.
In the fall the American Robins stick together in small flocks and take advantage of our four bird bath bowls. The photo opportunity comes right before they go to the water source. Most of the time they perch briefly on a branch or sticks I have mounted near the bath. The robins look carefully around before they jump or fly to the water bowl to make sure no predator is nearby.
I shot in “sniper mode”, with the Better Beamer flash extender for color enhancement. The sun was already behind the trees but left still some ambient light for this photo. A few minutes later it would have been too dark and using flash as my main source of light is not an option.
1/80 s, f/6.3, @600 mm, ISO 400, -1EV, Flash -4, Nikon D750, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports Lens, tripod, Induro GHB2 gimbal head, Nikon SB 800 speed light, Better Beamer flash extender