This Bald Eagle and its mate started building this nest already last year. It is only a few yards away from the former location of an old nest, a Great Horned Owl had used for several years. It fell finally apart two years ago. I have posted about the owls many times here in my blog between 2013 and 2017. Last year the eagles were maybe still too young to breed but it looks like they feed their first offspring now.

I went with my tripod into a swampy area about 50 yards away from the nest while none of the adult eagles was in it. I tried to hide between bushes and small trees and when the adult came back it didn’t look in my direction. It probably knew I was there but didn’t seem to mind my presence. These Bald Eagles are used to humans, there is a campsite nearby (of course, not used at the moment) and the access to a boat ramp and marina is not very far either. You can drive up very close to the nest, and some people may do because they don’t even know it is there.

It was sunny but still a little chilly today and after the adult bird arrived it seemed to feed and wiggled its body into the nest, probably keeping some young bird(s) warm. The partner was in another tree, closer to the Mississippi River, and hopefully came back with a good meal for the family…