The herons were not the only birds we saw yesterday evening in the valley of Bankston County Park. Several warblers were foraging along the river but it was already late and my shooting results were not that great. With other words, I went back today and tried my luck again. The sun was out this evening and I took the tripod and gimbal head with me. Yes, that slows you down a little bit but I knew my best opportunities would be near the water and due to the thick brush along the river, light was not available in abundance.

Black-throated Green Warbler

This was a first sighting for me! This male is on its way to Canada or northern Minnesota.

Wilson’s Warbler

My first sighting in Iowa. We have seen the Wilson’s Warbler in Colorado a few years ago. Their breeding range is from Alaska eastwards to Newfoundland. It spends the winters along the Gulf Coast and south into Mexico. The black cap makes it easy to identify this beautiful bird.

Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler

The first yellow-rumped showed up already a month ago and we see them more often than other warblers even in our woods here.

Yellow Warbler

Iowa is breeding territory and it is a warbler you may find even during the summer in Bankston Park or other areas. It is more difficult to spot them when the leaves are fully developed. The best way to find one is listening to their songs and calls.

Northern Waterthrush

Another first sighting! It is possible to confuse the bird with a thrush but it is actually a warbler. Joan discovered this bird yesterday and that’s the best I came up with while handholding the camera. I was debating if I should show the photo with its lack of sharpness and heavily cropped, but for a first sighting, hey, an exception can be made, or not? 😏