Great Egret, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa

Most of the time you come across a congregation of Great Egrets at this time of the year you may see them standing in the water, almost motionless, and you may think, not that interesting, there is not much going on. But wait, they are there for a reason, means they hunt for fish. This egret caught and ate three of them within just fifteen minutes. If your slow approach to the birds was successful, they accept your presence and didn’t fly away, you just wait, watch the bird, consider the direction of the light (no shade on the face), and you will get your chance for the shot. The low water level in the Green Island Wetlands right now is ideal for the Great Egrets or Great Blue Herons and they will end the day with a full stomach.

Nikon D750, Sigma 150-600mm / f5-6.3 DG OS HSM S, @ 600 mm, 1/2000 s, f/6.3, ISO200