Mississippi River with Dubuque, Iowa on the other side
The wildfires in the west and in Canada seem to be far away when you live in the Midwest but the impact effects all of us. We deal here maybe only with bad air quality at times, but it is heartbreaking to see how people loose their life and their homes. Since the big fires burn we see the sunsets differently due to the smoke that crosses the continent in the upper atmosphere. A couple days ago I made this image across the river, over in Illinois, with downtown Dubuque, Iowa in the background. The sun was partly hidden behind a hazy cloud.
A 3-stop soft split-graduated neutral density filter was used for the upper part of the photo. I underexposed by -0.66 EV for the foreground and brought back some of the details of the city in post process.
Nikon D750, Nikkor 70-200mm / f4, Induro GIT 404XL tripod, RRS BH-55 ball head, Breakthrough GND filter 0.9, @82 mm, 1/200 s, f/10, ISO100