Green Heron, Mississippi Valley, Green Island Wetlands, Iowa
I realized today that I haven’t been in the Green Island Wetlands since the end of May. A good reason to pack the long lens today and head out to this area of marshland, lakes, and woods along the Mississippi River. August is the time when herons and egrets are present, not always by large numbers, but with the lush green background of reeds, arrow heads, and water lilies the chances for a good shot are definitely there.
Green Herons are common and widespread, but it can be hard to see them. While their larger relatives, like the Great Blue Heron, can be often found in open parts of wetlands, the stocky and small Green Heron tends to be at the edges, in shallow water, or concealed in vegetation. The bird I found today balanced on a half-submerged tree branch in the water, surrounded by nothing than duck weed. As mucky as that may look to some, I think it makes for a nice background that separates the subject from the rest of the scene. As most of the time I use my car as a blind. The heron got a little nervous after I stopped but gave me about a minute to make some clicks before it finally disappeared in the jungle of cat tails and arrow heads on the mud bank in the background. The Green Heron wasn’t the only critter I had in front of the lens today, so please stay tuned for more to come…