Common Merganser, Bear Head Lake, Minnesota
On almost every lake we paddled last month up in Minnesota we found this bird species, the Common Merganser. We see them here in eastern Iowa during winter as long there is open water on the Mississippi River, and of course during migration. Most of their breeding grounds is higher up in Canada but the lakes in northern Minnesota are called home as well.
They are pretty tolerant when approached slowly with a kayak and they let us come quite close sometimes. So it is not a ”one time opportunity”, as it probably was with the River Otters. This gave me much better time to wait for a backgrounds that was not so busy. There is a lot of fallen trees lined up along the lake shores and as natural as it is, it’s not always a flattering background. The mergansers hunt mostly for fish underwater and if they do it right in front of you, you just know, the bird has accepted your presence and they don’t feel threatened.