Sharp-shinned Hawk, Little Maquoketa Valley, Iowa, February 2023
This is the raptor every other bird pays utmost attention to in our woods, the Sharp-shinned Hawk. When all the woodpeckers or nuthatches freeze motionless and the sparrows and finches disappear suddenly, we just know the ”sharpy” is somewhere around here. Sometimes we don’t see him or her but all the birds obviously do and immediately adapt their behavior. They are able to move very fast between the trees without hitting a branch and can strike with surprise. I have seen a Sharp-shinned Hawk taking a Northern Cardinal down mid air. What follows is usually not very pretty but nature’s rule requires that they all have to eat sometime for survival…
In early February this hawk spent more than half an hour in great light near our bird feeders and the only difficulty to overcome was to find a position with the camera that had an unobstructed view between the trees. It was just another great moment in 2023 and worth to mention again.