Monday evening we had a ’Work Night’ during the meeting with the Dubuque Camera Club. The club has acquired a set of three continuous LED lights and the members had a chance to try them out and play with different functions, color temperatures, and settings. It was a lot of fun and very interesting to see all the different approaches to work with a few items that some members had provided for this shooting. We can now use these lights for our own little and bigger projects.
The hourglass above is placed on a reflecting plate and was my favorite subject. At a serious product shooting you normally would avoid the reflections of the light sources on the glass walls, but I thought it added an interesting artsy-fartsy effect.
The RUBIC cube was also very popular. The star effect on the glass plate is the reflection from an umbrella that was mounted in front of an LED light. The key for this shot was to hide the knob in the center of the umbrella behind the cube. The black & white version is actually the same photo as the color image above. I played with different B&W filters in Adobe Lightroom and was once more amazed how different the photo was rendered with each filter effect, even without any changes of exposure values. Back in the days I shot a lot with black and white film, but now, many years later I just start to understand what it really can do for my photography.
It was an interesting evening and interacting with the other members of the club during the shooting was a lot of fun. Thank you to Ron Tigges for preparing this and the set-up!
All images: Nikon Z6II, Nikon FTZ adapter, Nikon Nikkor AF-S 70-200mm, Induro GIT 404XL tripod, RRS BH-55 ball head,