Antelope Island - Following my goals

Storm clouds
Nikon D200, Sigma 10-20 mm f/4.0-5.6, 18 mm (27 mm FX), 1/250s, f/8, -1 EV, ISO 100


Yesterday I talked about some goals I set for myself for the next visit to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The storm moving through the area was definitely helpful to get better landscape images. But how about  wildlife photography? Antelope Island State Park bears great opportunities to shoot birds, bisons, or pronghorns. Not all my dreams came true. I was hoping to put my glass on some Chukars. I saw this colorful bird last year for the first time and felt in love with it immediately. Please have a look in my post from last year HERE if you want. I saw two of them but direction of light and circumstances were not in my favor.

Western Meadowlark
Nikon D200, Sigma 50-500 mm f/4.0-6.3, 500 mm (750 mm FX), 1/1000s, f/6.3, -1 EV, ISO 100


Another goal I had was to get a better image of the Western Meadowlark. They are not difficult to find on the island at this time of the year because of their distinctive song performance. I used my little rental car as a blind for this image.

Horned Lark
Nikon D200, Sigma 50-500 mm f/4.0-6.3, 500 mm (750 mm FX), 1/1500s, f/6.3, -1 EV, ISO 200


A day later the weather was not quite as interesting as the evening before. While looking out for some Chukars I discovered this Horned Lark, sitting on a rock, instead. Direction of light wasn't as good as for the Meadowlark, but nevertheless, I got some images of this wonderful bird.

Thank you for stopping by! Please stay tuned for more…