Nature clicks #127 - Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwings  

We keep track about all the wildlife we have around the house since we live here in Eastern Iowa. Some species are here all the time while others have been sighted only ones within the last eight years. One bird that we see briefly almost every spring and fall is the Cedar Waxwing. Sometimes they come in big flocks and feed on the berries in the cedar trees. Unfortunately I have never been able to make a good image that I would have liked to share with you here in the blog or over in my Iowa wildlife gallery at Pbase.

Today I watched a couple American Robins drinking out of the birdbath in front of the house. Suddenly they were joined by two Cedar Waxwings and that made me running for the camera, tripod, and long lens. They are such wonderful looking birds and in this matter I don't mind that the birdbath is in the frame. The leaf in the water, the bird that just took off, the colors, they all tell the story of autumn and bird migration. Can't ask for more...