Adding to my previous story

Platt Cemetery  

It was a great day for being outside. It was chilly but the air was very clear and the light just perfect for all kinds of photography. Joan and I went on a road trip this afternoon. We followed the Mississippi north to Guttenberg in search for wildlife or just a good view over the river valley. But let me start with the final stop of our tour. On our way back home I wanted to show Joan the location from where I made the image you can see in my last post. The clouds were not nearly as good as two days ago. Not far away from the farm house we discovered an old graveyard, named Platt Cemetery. The light doesn't get any better for a photo like this. I tried different angles and views, and different depth of field settings by changing my aperture, but always included the farm in the frame. I wanted this image telling the story who might be buried there, probably farmers and their families that tried to make a living in Iowa after coming over from Europe. The date on the gravestone in focus is not 100% legible but the stone is probably from 1868, according to the website