Wisconsin history

Denniston House  

Actually I had other things in mind (Bald Eagle photography!!) when I went out today for a trip on both sides of the Mississippi River. Despite gorgeous weather it didn't work out and I ended up taking this image of the "Denniston House" from 1836 in Cassville Wisconsin. Before I wreck your nerves with my "Sauerkraut-English" what this house is all about, I like to cite the website www.cassville.org :


Built by the Daniels-Denniston Company, land speculators from New York, to house legislators and officials should Cassville become the capitol of the new Wisconsin Territory. When Madison was chosen over Cassville to become the capitol, the building and village went into decline until 1855 when former State Governor Nelson Dewey   purchased the Denniston interests. He converted the building into a proper hotel. It operated as a hotel, dining room and bar until 1985. Today it stands empty. Many additions were added to the "Big  Brick" as it was proudly called; but they all have been removed, along with the fifth floor ballroom and widow's walk on the roof.  Built of solid brick on a limestone foundation, bricklayers used the sturdy Flemish bond method of laying brick. You can clearly notice its pattern on the side wall. The building still stands proud, though a bit drab, extolling the dreams of a past era.


It think it is too bad the house is in such bad shape. I'm afraid if all buildings like this will be gone and be replaced by industrial architecture with no "soul" at all, villages like Cassville may have no charm anymore and will be good for passing through only. I just hope this will never happen...