Chasing angel rays

Chasing angel rays  

Yesterday evening was pretty much the last time we saw the sun. It rained here almost all day long and more rain is in the forecast. I drove home from another visit at the nest of the Great Horned Owl when I saw that the sun sent some "angel rays" through the cloud cover. Shots like that are not always easy to get. It is sometimes difficult to find a place to park the car safely along the narrow roads between the valleys and ridges here in Eastern Iowa. In addition the electrical grid is still very old fashioned here and almost all cables are above the ground. This is probably not only a nightmare for the people who have to service it in every weather but also for a landscape photographer who tries to make a clean unobstructed image. With other words, it takes some efforts and sometimes the good light is gone before you have all your ducks in a row. However, the landscape with all the little valleys, ridges, and hills here along the Mississippi has its charm and in combination with some cool clouds and great light it is always worth to go out and try to make the click.