Iowa storm chase

Thunderstorm 1  

We were lucky this evening to get a local thunderstorms that brought some much needed rain. Not much, but better than nothing. When the rain slowed down I drove down to the valley, and up again to the plateau into open area. I didn't have to go very far to see where the dramatic of the light unfolded while the storm moved away.

Thunderstorm 2


Both images were made within six minutes from the same location and that's when landscape photography becomes real fun in Iowa.


Farm and thunderheads


I chased the storm at a couple more places but the drama diminished quickly. Old farm buildings can make for a nice picture but quite often a uniform blue sky or dull light make it less interesting and I don't even bother taking the camera out. Turning east the tall thunderheads gave this farm the background that I like to see in a photo like this. Will try this one in black & white sometime...

Wishing all of you here in the US a wonderful Labor Day weekend.