Colorado landscapes: Greeted by clouds

Greeted by clouds 1  

You guessed it, my absence here in the blog was due to our vacation. This time I gave myself a break and did not touch any social media. Most of the time we didn’t even have access to internet and that wasn’t a bad thing. We spent the last two and a half weeks in the mountains of southern and central Colorado. Joan and I had some good opportunities to shoot the gorgeous landscapes of Colorado and to chase the light. I hope I can stir up your interest during the next few weeks while I will work my way through the images that made it onto the hard drive.

It was a 2-day drive from Eastern Iowa to our first destination, which I will reveal shortly. While still on the wide open plains, Colorado greeted us with some impressive clouds and dramatic light. The avid reader of my blog knows about my obsession with clouds already and so it may not be a big surprise that the first clicks had to be made while still heading southwest…

Greeted by clouds 2