Nature click #18 - Swans, Meadowlark, and moon...

Trumpeter Swans are back

There were three things in nature today that put a smile in my face and made me happy. First of all, the Trumpeter Swans are back! I went to the little lake where I watched a couple of them last year several times. (Click on the tag "Trumpeter Swan" below and it will display all my older posts about them.) When I arrived they seemed to great me with their loud call, that sounds like a car horn. What a moment!


Trumpeter Swans are back 2

I had the 50-500 with me, but no tripod. Despite a grey overcast I ripped through one 8 GB memory card in no time. I used manual focus only. That seems to work better in low light situations as it was today.


Eastern Meadowlark

On my way back home I saw an Eastern Meadowlark. For some not a big deal, but it was my first one that I saw here in the area. Another bird that will make it into my Iowa wildlife gallery soon. This gallery is one of my photography projects I pursue and that I try to expand and improve.


A day before full moon

The last big thing today was the very bright and big moon. It has not been so close to earth since 18 years. I made the click, even if full moon is actually tomorrow. Who knows if we will see it then?! ;-)