Stop at Millstream Brewery Co.

Millstream Brewing Co.
The text on the barrel bottom says: "Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalts" Which means about: "Hops and malt, may god maintain them!"


Last week on the way home from a business trip I stopped at the Amana Colonies. If you are not familiar with this location, feel free to check it out HERE.

I wanted to buy some beer in the Millstream Brewing Co., which is Iowa's oldest  microbrewery. It has nothing to do with photography, but I have to tell you, they brew some of the best beer you can find on the planet! I grew up in the Upper Lusatia, an area in Germany that has borders with Bohemia, which is a part of the Czech Republic. Believe me, people on both sides of the border know how to brew beer and how a good beer tastes. The beer from the Millstream Brewery can easily keep up with the beer in the old home country!

Oh, I get carried away, lets get back to photography… ;-) . I cannot resist making a few clicks if I see a building or structure that has a nice rotten charm. The old brewery building falls in that category. The processing was done in NIK Silver Efex Pro. I really love this software for my B&W work. I know, the perspective is not ideal. I guess I have to go back again… ;-)