Update and book recommendation


Clouds HDR


Even if I'm not able to post anything on my blog, there are people and friends that check it almost every day. I want to tell you, I'm very thankful for this fact. I guess I owe you an update about what's going on. I have been on the road or in the air during the last four weeks, mainly related to my job, and with very little time for photography.

Last weekend I spent a few hours with some German friends in Chicago, made some clicks, and was hoping to post them here, while I'm still on a business trip in Indiana. To make a long story short, I didn't bring all my gear as usual and one of the things I left at home is the CF-card reader. Means, my latest pics are still in the camera and I have to wait until I come back home. :-(

Thank you again to all of you who stop here regularly or even just ones in a while! You guys rock and your comments and emails encourage me to continue with the challenge to write this blog!

Above image was made in Norfolk, Nebraska. It is a trial with HDR photography and was created from five handheld pictures. I just finished reading Raphael Conception's  "The HDR Book" and can't wait to apply the new knowledge to my photography. If you don't know yet what photography book to take on your next business or vacation trip, that's the one I like to recommend. RC's writing style is straight forward and even for someone like me, who is not a native English speaker, this book is easy to understand and a great source of photography education.